Baby #HumpbackWhale recordings reveal vocalizations directed to their mothers paper:
"the young #whales tended to get noisy just before nursing in the morning—and such periods of noise lasted the longest of all those they studied... such vocalizations tended to be low-frequency and also included what they describe as snorts, barks, grunts and burps, which they suggest are likely forms of begging to be fed."
The best thing about pelagic birding: sometimes, there are whales.
(Gulf of the Farallones, near San Francisco. Nikon D810, 200-500mm)
Breaching #whale capsizes #boat and sends two people overboard off East Coast Of #US
A large whale sent two fishermen into the ocean a mile from Portsmouth, #NewHampshire harbor. Video shows how a #humpbackwhale suddenly appeared out of the water before flipping over a small, 23-foot (7m) vessel. #Whales usually keep their distance from Portsmouth harbor, but #humpback whales have been spotted closer to land than ever before.
A few of my ocean creatures for #WorldOceanDay. We call this planet Earth but it is more than 70% ocean; the continents and islands are the exception not the rule on what is mainly an ocean planet. The oceans are the biggest biosphere, a huge driver of climate, a major source of food, medicine, life and livelihood for many. 1/n
blue is the sea son
the great humpback mother coos
Song of survival...
Apropos of nothing, here is a photo I took many years ago in #HerveyBay. I went #WhaleWatching, and this was one of the first captures of the day, and is easily one of the best photos I've ever managed to capture.
I just finished this digital artwork of a humpback whale with her cub. I used a tiny photograph in an old book as reference. It was fun to scale that up. Really satisfied with this one and it is the first time that I've reached the level of quality that I have been aiming for since I started focussing on digital painting for one and a half year ago.