The number of power outages in the NorCal region is very high. Up where I'm at, it's not as bad as it was last year where we had multiple multi-day outages, but there are some places that went down hard.
Wow, almost the entire Monterey peninsula and almost all of the city of Monterey has been without power for a good six hours now. I don't think I've ever seen that before. A lot of this is open space so the severity in terms of people isn't as bad as it appears, but it's still remarkable that we have multiple cities that are almost entirely without power.
My area was largely spared. It was probably because we got hit so hard last year that anything that was in danger of blowing over in high winds had already blown over.
We're now recovering up in NorCal. Southern California is still getting mauled and will continue to get mauled for another two days. That's where the most serious danger is.